Saturday, February 8, 2014

I See A Greenhouse A Risin'!

Whoo Hoo folks! We got the foundation poured for one of our greenhouses today! It's looking great! We are so excited for Spring and to see our herbs growing in our brand new greenhouses! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

And Then There Were Herb Farmers....

High Valley Ginseng & Herb is privileged to be growing top quality herbs for the many Master Herbalists that we know and work with.

WE at High Valley are not the Herbalists; we grow, nurture, harvest, cultivate and ship fresh from the, top quality herbs for medicinal and personal use. We ensure that our herbs are fresh, free of radicals and grown with the strictest standards possible.

If it were not for the Master Herbalists that dedicate years of their life to their work we would not be "growing" into the family business that we are. So, we want to say thank you to them. People like Jeanine Davis, Alison Dressler, Cindi Vernon and the Western North Carolina Horticultural Research Center. Without people like these we would not be where we are today. Thank you!

We love to share the information we have learned from our friends and partners by posting various herbs and their medicinal uses, but please note we are the keepers of the herbs, the farmers and tenders, we leave the rest up to the Master Herbalists.