Monday, March 24, 2014

Greenhouses Are Almost Ready!!

We received an A+ on our greenhouse from Griffin Landscape Supply Company! Now we are going to install the thermal glass the sprinkler system the ventilation system and work on our potting soil mix! We are very excited to be adding additional greenhouses to the ones that we already have. 

We also have some beautiful Angelica plants starting to bud, take a look at the pictures below and see how it's going!

Spring is officially here and we High Valley Ginseng cannot wait to show you our beautiful plants this year; everything from Skullcap, Angelica, Sage, Lavender and more! We are even going to try our hand at distilling some essential oils. 

Stay tuned folks there's lots more to come!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Spring Ya'll!

Spring is officially here!! Now, let's hope our unpredictiable Georgia weather gets the memo! 
We are putting the final touches on our greenhouses and we pulled up some Ginseng root to check it and boy does it look amazing!! 
Happy Spring Ya'll!